Digital Asset Services is committed to conducting our business responsibly and ethically, including ensuring that our supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.
Our Organisation Structure
This statement covers the activities of Digital Asset Services Ltd which is headquartered in Wales with all employees based in the UK.
Our Supply Chains and Risk Assessment
While Digital Asset Services (trading as Coincover) sells its products and services worldwide, it does not make use of supply chains which are traditionally susceptible to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking, such as factories, other entities involved in manufacturing, or business sectors which are reliant on a high degree of human labour.
Given the nature of Digital Asset Services’ business, the risk of modern slavery in our supply chains is considered low. However, we remain vigilant to this risk, and have in place a number of policies and procedures to ensure we do not knowingly do business with a company involved in any form of modern slavery or human trafficking.
Our Policies
As part of our commitment to ensuring there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business, we maintain policies and procedures to support this commitment including:
Outsourcing Policy: setting out our approach to outsourcing, as well as the due diligence which must be undertaken before Digital Asset Services outsources any aspect of its business to a third party.
Whistleblowing Policy: setting out the manner in which our staff and business partners can report any concerns relating to the activities of Digital Asset Services (trading as Coincover) or anyone involved in its supply chains, including circumstances which may give rise to a risk of human trafficking or slavery.
Recruitment and Remuneration Policies: setting out the rights in which all our staff enjoy, including fair and reasonable wages, the right to a safe working environment, and appropriate holidays and provisions for sickness.
Next Steps
Digital Asset Services (trading as Coincover) continuously reviews its risks in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking, both as an employer and as a purchaser of outsourced services, to identify measures we can take as a business to prevent modern slavery occurring in our business and supply chain.
Annual Review
The Board of Digital Asset Services (trading as Coincover) will review this statement annually.