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£18.9 billion evaporated in 2022 due to ops failure.

Coincover protects against

Internal bad actors

When a full-time, permanent employee of your firm deliberately and maliciously uses their login credentials to steal assets belonging to your customers. This does not include third-party contractors. 

Exit scams

The theft of your deposits (provided they are held in assets we protect) in a cryptocurrency project as a result of a sudden cessation of trading of said project without notification or reason by the company. This does not include sitautions of bankruptcy or insolvency (please see associated risks for coverage details), and action involving criminal investigative services, or a scneario where the wallet technology has failed or access to the wallet has been withdrawn by rhe wallet provider. 

Insolvency crypto asset access

If your company ceases trading and client assets become inaccessible as a reult. If you go out of business, we have a 90-day contractual commitment to recover funds.

Internal bad actors

When a full-time, permanent employee of your firm deliberately and maliciously uses their login credentials to steal assets belonging to your customers. This does not include third-party contractors. 

Exit scams

The theft of your deposits (provided they are held in assets we protect) in a cryptocurrency project as a result of a sudden cessation of trading of said project without notification or reason by the company. This does not include sitautions of bankruptcy or insolvency (please see associated risks for coverage details), and action involving criminal investigative services, or a scneario where the wallet technology has failed or access to the wallet has been withdrawn by rhe wallet provider. 

Insolvency crypto asset access

If your company ceases trading and client assets become inaccessible as a reult. If you go out of business, we have a 90-day contractual commitment to recover funds.

Operational Failure

Other risks mitigated by Coincover

Lost access

Eliminate single points of failure and benefit from a secure, non-custodial recovery solution.

Cyber threats

Fortify defences against malicious attacks such as account takeovers, ransomware, and social engineering to keep your blockchain assets safe. 

Human error

Safeguard against sending funds to the wrong account, corrupt or deleted access material, and other common mistakes.

Technology failure

Shield assets from infrastructure vulnerabilities.​


Going beyond insurance in Blockchain and creating a new category of protection

We offer comprehensive protection against a wide array of risks and can customise our solution to meet your specific commercial, operational, or regulatory requirements.



  • One platform
  • Basic alerts
  • Quarterly reporting
  • 96 hour recovery SLA
  • Ransomware
  • Lost seed phrase
  • 2FA back up
  • Damaged or stolen device
  • Wallet provider / Custody failure


  • Up to 3 platforms
  • Custom alerts
  • Monthly reporting
  • Proof of protection certificate
  • 48 hour recovery SLA
Includes all Core features plus:
  • Whaling
  • Sim swap
  • Fat finger (mistyped address)
  • Spear phishing
  • Man in the middle
  • Internal bad actors
  • Brute force attack
  • Biometric security failure
  • Multi-factor security failure


  • Up to 5 platforms
  • Advanced alerts
  • Live reporting
  • Proof of protection certificate
  • 24 hour recovery SLA
Includes all Core and Advanced features plus:
  • Exit scams
  • Human error
  • Social engineering
  • Address poisoning
  • Supply chain hacks
  • Account takeover (ATO)
  • Staked key assets access
  • Insolvency crypto assets access